Our mission 

Real Faith


Real Hope


Real Life


No matter where you are in life, no matter where you come from and no matter what troubles you may have, we pray that you will join us in finding out the peace and joy that having Real Faith in Real Hope can bring to Real Life!!

Real Faith

When all else fails, the one thing that we can all believe in, have Faith in, is the fact that God's love is unfailing. Faith is what opens the door to a world of complete reliance on the love of God and what ensures us that we never have anything to worry about. Real faith is about knowing and believing in God and in the saving grace, by the sacrifice of His one and only Son, who willingly died on the cross to ensure that we have the opportunity to live forever in the presence of God.

Only through our Real Faith in Jesus' work can we hope to be saved!

Real Hope

In a world full of hate, anxiety, stress, and chaos, we all have only one Real Hope for salvation and that is through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Only through Him can we hope to conquer the challenges that real life throws at each and every one of us each day. 

We have Real Hope in the belief that Jesus Saves!

Real Life

We believe and understand that life is real and full of real challenges and real struggles. Everyone that lives is subjected to these challenges and everone that lives is worthy of receving God's love.

We believe that living with Real Life circumstances should not prevent you from being able to feel the love that God has for you!